383 Kent St Car Park

383 Kent Street, Sydney


Book ahead and saveFrom $10.00
Earlybird from * $10.00
Flexi Saver from * $14.00
Daily (Mon-Thur) from * $24.00
Overnight (1-3 Nights) from * $25.00
CasualFrom $9.00
All Days
0.0 - 0.5 hrs $9.00
0.5 - 1.0 hrs $27.00
1.0 - 2.0 hrs $49.00
2.0 - 3.0 hrs $64.00
3.0 + hrs $72.00
Motorcycle $15.00
Rates are charged from 6:00am daily
Early BirdFrom $26.00
Mon - Fri $26.00
Entry between 6am and 9:30am
exit between 3.30pm & 7pm
NightFrom $12.00
Mon - Thurs $12.00
weekendFrom $16.00
Sat - Sun $16.00

Opening Hours

24 Hours

Height Restrictions

Entry height is: 2.1m


Affordable & secure parking

Wilson Parking

Wilson Parking

Visit Website

Structured Data:

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